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Thursday, April 22, 2010

VLCD25 -.4

Just had an amazing lunch! had a extra lean hamburger patty w/sauteed onions and mushrooms, tasted like a Salisbury steak :) oh yes and the AMAZING apple warmed up with splenda and cinnamon, yum, I'm on VLCD25 so one more day of my 500 calories and off to P3 to hopefully stabilize smoothly, i don't think i will have a problem since i know i'm not going to go "HOG" wild adding back in foods, I did do a detox back last night and it was the first time i have done so, not sure if this mornings .4 loss was the outcome but the bath was relaxing and boy did I sleep like i have never slept before, and my skin was tingling like crazy that is for sure!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So, today I started my VLCD, actually a little nervous about all of this because for the past two years I have been in the mind set of WW, so to turn my thinking around to get into this has not been all that easy, ESPECIALLY on the loading days. Oh my goodness was that difficult for me, and to load with the right foods was even harder because they had to be very high in fats and the first day of loading I binged on empty calorie foods and high in carbs and felt like crap and just felt like it was all wrong, then started reading farther into the forums and people were saying eat good fats such as Avocados, bacon(not that bacon is a good fat) nuts things like that so my second loading day that is what i did.

My total loading was a weight gain of 3 lbs not so bad compared to some I have read! So today I woke up hungry to start my VLCD and im freakin out a little the last thing i want to do is be hungry on this damn diet! I guess i will see where this takes me. I know all diets are a lifestyle change and I had already changed my lifestyle with WW, but just like everything else im always willing to give it a chance :)


So after 7 days i have lost a total of 11.8 lbs and feel pretty good actually, I don't find it hard to stay focused at all and don't find myself getting hungry, yesterday was the first day i found myself feeling weak/tired but I have failed to take a multi-vitamin and B12 started taking that today and feel fine today, I must say I did not expect to see numbers like this but of course i am not complaining :) actually I have a great support system with my friends that have been on the diet and my friends that are just starting out (love you guys) I feel completely confident at this point i will reach my goal with this diet, just taking one day at a time to get there.


so, here I am D21VLCD and i've lost 16.6 lbs, not that bad but hoped it would have been better that is for sure! I really would like to get down to 175lbs which i have not seen in over 10yrs well over 10yrs! My family has a big move coming up and i was hoping to have this whole Phase thing done and over with before we moved, I really don't want to have to stick it out the entire 45 days on P2 so i guess i will go into P3 stabilize (or try to anyway) and cycle back into P2 and time it just right before we leave on June 29th for Alabama! I'm trying my hardest not to be disappointed or frustrated at this point because heck 16.6 lbs in 21 days is nothing to be disappointed about, its just all about goals and when you don't exactly hit the goal you set then that's where the frustration sets in, and i did not hit an outrages goal when i started this diet in the beginning i wanted to loose 25lbs and although im not that far behind that goal just thought i would have done a little better.